How to Leverage Telehealth Solution for Providing Diabetic Care?

March 1, 2023

Telehealth is occasionally used interchangeably with telemedicine. Telemedicine delivers medical care over the internet, while telehealth services furnish care through technology. These technologies include remote patient monitoring, a patient portal, HIPAA-compliant messaging, and online appointments. In conjunction with in-person visits, telemedicine can monitor, communicate with, and educate people with diabetes.

Is Telehealth an Effective Way to Treat Diabetes?

"Diabetics are one of the most suitable conditions to use telehealth, and telehealth can provide care for any type of diabetes," says the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Addressing the significant types of diabetes – Type 1, Type 2, gestational, and prediabetes – relies heavily on timely data and a solid health-coaching relationship between healthcare professionals and their patients. Implementing a diabetes telehealth solution can help you achieve these goals. Telemedicine provides access to patient data remotely and a more convenient way to meet patients.

Do you know how Telehealth can help Diabetes Patients?

Patients with diabetes can receive virtual care through telehealth, including:

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) for Self-Management Adherence

The provider receives glucose levels for review and possible intervention. In-person or video visits can be scheduled if necessary, and medication levels can be adjusted accordingly.

Changing Health Conditions

Telehealth apps can warn providers about changes in patient data or emotional levels, which may suggest a shift in their disease management.

Well-being Support

Diabetes requires constant engagement and diligence from the patient. Patients may encounter this frustrating or tiring. The provider can offer advice and support when patients struggle with a patient-centered program. It ensures to maximize patient engagement.

Healthy Adolescence

Children's various activities and low levels of understanding make controlling diabetes challenging. As well as monitoring children's levels and initiating appropriate interventions, telehealth software permits practices to provide school-based care.


Telehealth enhances data flow and contact between patients and providers. Patients can use the patient portal to transmit levels, check results, and ask quick questions during telehealth visits.

Telehealth Benefits for Diabetes Management

Diabetes is a chronic, self-managed state that is well suited to virtual care. Diabetes patients likely already have a care plan to track blood glucose levels at home, take medications as prescribed, and record insulin usage, carbohydrate intake, and weight.

The diabetes healthcare team checks glucose logs or uploads data from the patient's devices and any lab tests to detect patterns.

Patients with diabetes can visit their diabetes healthcare team continually with telehealth appointments, such as an endocrinologist, diabetes educator, or registered dietitian nutritionist.

Diabetes telehealth offers many benefits, including:

  • In-person contact is less frequent (especially with COVID-19)
  • Appointments do not require travel, which is especially helpful for those with difficulty driving long distances or commuting.
  • Frequent contact with their healthcare team
  • Their healthcare team can access glucose data between visits.

Telehealth possibilities for diabetes can remove barriers to receiving quality care.

Here are Four Tips for a Successful Virtual Visit

- Contact your Healthcare provider before your Virtual Appointment

Choose a communication method, such as video chat or phone. When scheduling your appointment, let the provider know if you prefer a particular method. Your web browser and the device should be compatible with the web link they provide before your meeting. Charge your digital device - a smartphone, computer, or tablet, for example - before your appointment.

- Contact your Insurer

During the COVID-19 pandemic, insurance companies, including Medicare, cover telehealth services costs. When social distancing rules are lifted, telehealth coverage may vary among payors. To ensure that you are covered for virtual appointments, it is recommended that you call the office number on the back of your insurance card. Before suggesting telehealth, your HCP's office will usually do this. Ask your insurance company any questions you may have about telehealth.

- Upload Glucose Data Regularly

If you plan to use a remote service for your virtual appointment, make sure any essential apps are installed and updated ahead of time. There are apps for meetings, your HCP's online portal, and diabetes device companion apps. Send a digital PDF report from your diabetes device software to your care team, if necessary, before a telehealth appointment.

- Write down Critical Details before an Appointment

Before your meeting, note down any queries you want to ask your HCP or prescriptions you need to be refilled. Plan your time accordingly for telehealth appointments.


Diabetic patients need healthcare, which can only be achieved by telehealth. They can contact their providers and consult about their conditions with only a few clicks. Telehealth services are very beneficial for those suffering from chronic diseases. So, they can be supervised by their care team 24/7.